Weblog roundup: business reads, prescription drugs, functional capacity, & more

March 28th, 2005 by

Sometimes it�s good to look at the forest, and other times it�s good to look at the trees. To get a take on macro economic and business trends that affect the day-to-day work place, check out Library Journal’s recommendations for Best Business Books of 2004 .
Managed Care Matters reports that the Second Annual Survey of Prescription Drug Management in Workers’ Compensation has been completed. Prescription drug costs are seen as an increasingly significant cost component in benefit payouts. Joe also has a good post on managed care and physician choice.
Dedicated safety activist and blogger Jordan Barab is on vacation, but in his absence, Tammy and Kelly bring us the Weekly Toll and an update on the BP explosion.
George’s Employment Blawg has an excellent post on functional capacity and similar testing, information that can be helpful in building ADA-compliant job descriptions as well as in identifying appropriate temporary return-to-work assignments.
Strategic HR Lawyer notes that staffing company employment is up in 2004. Nearly 12 million temps and contract workers were engaged, an increase of about one million over the prior year.
Thanks to Inter Alia for pointing us to 10 Things To Know About Evaluating Medical Resources on the Web – useful advice that should actually apply to evaluating the credibility of most online sites.